Saturday, October 16, 2010


i have been thinking...
will all my friends remember my big day?
will them forget about it....
or will them act that they do not know its my big day.
i really need to think about it over and over again.
i feel like I'm not they're friends at all....
i really can`t think of anything.....
it is like 4 more days to my really big day.....
i am also thinking will my big day become a small day for me....
or may be lonely day for me???!!!
my mind is really can`t think of anything......
i am going to go crazy soon........
i hope on my big day,
it is my happy day not a sad day for me......

Friday, October 8, 2010


have you all wonder what is life for?
my mind always thinking of life.
life can be your your future?
also can be your now?
or your past?
many things can be in your life when you think of.
life can be anything.
my life can be very helpful for me and you.
My HELPFUL means that, i am being helpful to everyone.
i am also caring.
haha... but sometime not really caring.
i will end off by here.....

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

hello blog readers

blog readers that come here.
thank you for come to my blog for respecting me.
but for those who did came to my blog just making all kinds of bad words,
could you pls stop coming to my blog for ever...
i have enough of that now.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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